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http.Post, "/post" -> {
  let message = request.body
  process.send(pubsub, Publish(message))
  new_response(200, "Submitted: " <> message)

Building a real-time chat in Gleam


Gleam is a an awesome language that makes you productive in no time. The absence of mutable state requires thinking a bit out of the box, but it brings many benefits. View the result on GitHub.

While I’ve been dreaming about a new programming language that I would never build, a British developer named Louis Pilfold has been hard at work actually creating one: Gleam.

I first heard about it in early 2024, when it was still in beta, thought it looked nice and moved on. In mid-2024, Exploring Gleam, a type-safe language on the BEAM!, made it to the front page of the orange website, and I decided to give it a try. The intentionally small language can be learned in a single afternoon thanks to its short and sweet language tour.

Here are my initial thoughts:

  • Pro: static typing with inference and custom types;
  • Pro: functional with pattern matching and an elegant syntax;
  • Not sure: compiles to Erlang or JavaScript;
  • Not sure: no mutable state;
  • Con: young ecosystem.

Regarding the young ecosystem, while it may be an issue for corporate projets that depend on the free work of others, it’s not a problem for personal projects: if it doesn’t exist, make it and share it! Gleam comes with a package manager, a formatter and a language server. That’s more than enough to get started; young, but not immature.

What about Erlang? I knew very little about it except that it was created by Ericsson for telecom purposes and had a weird syntax:

%% Immutable variables
> Fruits = ["banana","monkey","jungle"].

%% Map values using stdlib functions
> lists:map(fun string:uppercase/1, Fruits).

%% Fold over lists using custom functions
> lists:foldl(fun(Str, Cnt) -> string:length(Str) + Cnt end, 0, Fruits).

Explicit arity‽ Digging deeper, I discovered that Erlang runs on a virtual machine named BEAM, which is known for its fault tolerance, high concurrency, and native message passing. And it has native hot-swapping capabilities! I want to hot-swap my code without restarting the server, I’m sold. I’ll write an article about it if I can make it work…

How would you build a stateful application without a mutable global state? More on that later in this article.

#Hello World

A Hello World in Gleam is as simple as:

import gleam/io

pub fn main() {
  "Hello World!"
  |> io.println

The a |> f(...b) pipe operator is syntactic sugar for f(a, ...b). It allows writing pipeline code instead of nesting:

// Nested code
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        fn(x) { x * x }
      fn(x) { x % 2 == 0 }
) // Prints 20

// ✨ Pipeline code ✨
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
|> list.map(fn(x) { x * x })
|> list.filter(fn(x) { x % 2 == 0 })
|> int.sum
|> io.debug // Prints 20

It looks beautiful, but let’s make something more concrete.

#HTTP Hello World

Gleam has an official HTTP library, with standard Request and Response types, but it is intentionally runtime agnostic. You need an adapter to make it work in either Erlang or JavaScript. I picked Mist, an Erlang adapter, as it seems to be the most popular one.

The gleam binary contains the package manager: gleam add mist is (almost) all you need to get started.

A Hello World HTTP server in Gleam looks like this:

import gleam/bytes_tree
import gleam/erlang/process
import gleam/http/response
import mist

pub fn main() {
  let assert Ok(_) =
      // Handler function: takes a request and produces a response
      fn(request) {
        let body =
          { "Hello, " <> request.path <> "!" }
          |> bytes_tree.from_string
          |> mist.Bytes
        response.new(200) |> response.set_body(body)
    |> mist.port(3000)
    |> mist.start_http

  // The server starts in a separate process, pause the main process

The principle is simple:

  • The mist.new function creates a new server handler, which is a function that takes a request and returns a response;
  • Under the hood, mist.start_http spawns a pool of workers to process incoming requests. The main process is paused with process.sleep_forever() to keep the server running.

The thing is, this example is still stateless. (And that’s a good thing! Most web applications should be stateless, instead relying on a database to store state.) But to get a better grasp of how Gleam is suited for complex applications, let’s try to build something real-time. And real-time means stateful. (No, it doesn’t, but let’s pretend it does.) Let’s build a chat server!

#Stateful Gleam

All the languages I have learned so far have one way or another of mutating data. Even OCaml, another functional language, has a ref type to store a mutable value. But Gleam has no such thing. Instead, it has a very elegant structure to hold state: actors.

An actor is defined by a state and a function that transforms a message into a new state. No side effects needed. For instance, a simple counter actor would look like this:

import gleam/erlang/process
import gleam/int
import gleam/io
import gleam/otp/actor

// The two possible messages the actor can receive
type Message {
  Increment // Add 1 to the state
  Reset     // Set the state to 0

// The actor loop function
fn loop(message: Message, state: Int) {
  case message {
    Increment -> {
      let new_state = state + 1
      io.println("New state: " <> int.to_string(new_state))
      // Continue the actor with the new state
    Reset -> {
      io.println("Resetting to 0")
      // Continue the actor with a reset state

pub fn main() {
  // Start the actor with an initial state of 0
  let assert Ok(counter) = actor.start(0, loop)
  process.send(counter, Increment) // New state: 1
  process.send(counter, Increment) // New state: 2
  process.send(counter, Reset)     // Resetting to 0
  process.send(counter, Increment) // New state: 1

  // Wait for the actor to process all messages

In this example, the initial state is 0 and the function loop can receive two messages:

  • Increment: adds 1 to the state;
  • Reset: sets the state to 0.

The actor runs in its own Erlang process. Since Erlang is designed for massive concurrency, its processes are lightweight concurrency primitives, implemented with very low overhead. To interact with the actor, we send messages to it using process.send. This also means that we have to wait for the actor to process all messages before exiting the program.

#Real-time chat

Mist has native support for Server-Sent Events (SSE), a simple protocol for one-way communication from a server to a client. It is perfect for a real-time chat application. As a matter of fact, SSE are usually a better choice than WebSockets for simple use cases, as they are easier to implement and some features like reconnection are built in.

mist.server_sent_events is a function that starts an event-emitting actor. We will use Erlang messages to forward chat messages between all connected clients. Here is the architecture that we will build:

  • When a client gets /sse, start a new SSE actor that will forward messages to the client;
  • When a client posts to /post, send the message to all connected clients;
  • Have a pubsub actor that registers SSE actors and forwards messages to them;
  • On /, serve a simple HTML page with a form to post messages.

The send the message to all connected clients is the part that requires state: to keep the list of all connected clients (in Gleam, List(Subject)), we need a mutable state. That’s where the pubsub actor comes in:

type PubSubMessage {
  /// A new client has connected and wants to receive messages.
  Subscribe(client: Subject(String))
  /// A client has disconnected and should no longer receive messages.
  Unsubscribe(client: Subject(String))
  /// A message to forward to all connected clients.

Our pubsub will be defined by a state, the list of connected clients, and a function that processes messages:

fn pubsub_loop(message: PubSubMessage, clients: List(Subject(String))) {
  case message {
    // When the pubsub receives a Subscribe message with a client in it,
    // continue running the actor loop with the client added to the state
    Subscribe(client) -> {
      io.println("➕ Client connected")
      [client, ..clients] |> actor.continue
    // When the pubsub receives a Unsubscribe message with a client in it,
    // produce a new state with the client removed and continue running
    Unsubscribe(client) -> {
      io.println("➖ Client disconnected")
      |> list.filter(fn(c) { c != client })
      |> actor.continue
    // Finally, when the pubsub receives a message, forward it to clients
    Publish(message) -> {
      io.println("💬 " <> message)
      clients |> list.each(process.send(_, message))
      clients |> actor.continue

There are three possible messages:

  • Subscribe: adds a client to the list;
  • Unsubscribe: removes a client from the list;
  • Publish: forwards a message to all clients.

Here is what posting a message to /post roughly looks like:

http.Post, "/post" -> {
  // Read the request body
  let message = request.body

  // Send the message to the pubsub
  process.send(pubsub, Publish(message))

  // Respond with a success message
  new_response(200, "Submitted: " <> message)

Posting a message to /post sends the message to the pubsub actor, which forwards it to all connected clients. It then responds with a success message. I left out a lot of the implementation details, you can find the full code on GitHub.

Subscribing to /sse will start a new SSE actor that will receive messages from the pubsub actor and forward them to the web browser:

http.Get, "/sse" ->
    // Initialization function of the SSE loop
    init: fn() {
      // Create a new subject for the client to receive messages
      let client = process.new_subject()

      // Send this new client to the pubsub
      process.send(pubsub, Subscribe(client))

      // ... a bit more initialization code
    // This loop function is called every time the `client` subject
    // defined above receives a message.
    // The first parameter is the incoming message, the second is the
    // SSE connection, and the third is the loop state, which, in this
    // case is always the client subject.
    loop: fn(message, connection, client) {
      // Forward the message to the web client
        message |> string_tree.from_string |> mist.event,

      // ... a pinch of error handling code

Finally, the / route serves a simple HTML page with a form for posting messages:

http.Get, "/" -> {
  let index = simplifile.read("src/index.html")
  new_response(200, index)

Said HTML page looks roughly like this:

<div id="messages">
  <!-- Messages go here -->

<form action="/post" method="post">
  <input type="text" name="message" />
  <button type="submit">Send</button>

  // Open a connection to the SSE endpoint
  const messages = document.querySelector("#messages");
  const source = new EventSource("/sse");
  source.onmessage = (event) => {
    // When a message is received, insert it at the end

  // Handle form submission client-side
  const form = document.querySelector("form");
  form.onsubmit = async (event) => {
    // Send the message to the POST endpoint
    const body = new FormData(form).get("message");
    await fetch("/post", { method: "POST", body });

SSE are natively supported by all browsers through the EventSource object: a decent client can be implemented in literally a single line of JavaScript. The onmessage event is fired every time the server sends a message, and the append method adds it to the DOM. Sending a message is done by sending a POST request to the /post endpoint, and that’s it! Since Gleam compiles to JavaScript, we could have tried to write the client in Gleam as well, but this article is already long enough. 👀

Screenshot of the resulting frontend: title bar, two messages and an input field
I made a frontend in Gleam colors to go with our server.

And that, dear reader who made it this far, is how you build a real-time chat application in Gleam! You can find the full code on GitHub, with a few additional features I did not cover in this article. I hope you enjoyed this journey as much as I did. Gleam is a beautiful language that I will definitely be using in the future. I hope you will too!


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